Annual Sledding Party 2018

Greetings all,
The Scandinavian American Club (SAC) would like to invite you to our annual Sledding and Potluck party on Sunday, February 18, 2018, at 2 pm. Please bring your own sled and dress for the occasion. If the snow is gone or if it’s too cold, we will still plan to meet and socialize (there are no bad weathers just bad clothes as the Scandinavians say 😉 ).
We will start with outdoor activities and then have the potluck meal later in the afternoon. If you would like to participate, please bring a dish to pass and your choice of beverage.

There is no need to RSVP but we would be grateful to hear if you plan to come and what you are planning to bring.

We hope you can join us at Kirsti Sorsa’s:
1409 Starr Grass Dr.,
Madison, WI 53719
phone (608) 829-1164

- The SAC board

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